Gaming Gibs for 9/12/2008
9/12/2008 8:22:00 AM
Here are a few things I missed while wondering if NIN is going to
make the switch to a Mac:
- I for one welcome our new guitar playing robot masters
- Capcom is officially out of the exclusive game although I think if the right sized money truck showed up...
- Resistance:Fall of Man 2 is almost done...still stoked for this one
- Spore, great game that's getting killed by idiotic policies...c'mon new EA I want to love you but you keep kicking us in the nuts
- Novint adds F.E.A.R to it's list of AAA titles, cool technology I just hope they can find an audience
- Pre-order Multiwinia and get Darwinia for free, that's all kinds of a good deal
- Set the DVR's, Duke is going to be on GT.TV tonight, I'm too burned out on the game to even take a cheap shot here
- For those of you who are still playing Wii Fit, here's a guide on how to cheat at the game
- Richard Garriott must have some naked pics of NC Soft execs stashed somewhere
- Bad reviews made Kane and Lynch developers all emo
- Castle Crashers design layed out in detail