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Theatre of War 2 screens rain fire from the sky

by: Nathan -
More On: Theatre of War 2: Africa 1943
Battlefront.com is showing off some new screenies from their upcoming sequel Theatre of War 2. The new screen shots show "...some of the graphics engine improvements in this sequel, such as "soft" shadows and the use of "screen space ambient occlusion". Oh, and there are plenty of bombs, too!" That's the best news I've heard all day, other than new iPods, but they don't go boom as often.

08 September 2008

Press information for immediate release

Hard bombs, soft shadows - TOW2 screens

A brand new set of screenshots from Theatre of War 2 is available today, highlighting some of the graphics engine improvements in this sequel, such as "soft" shadows and the use of "screen space ambient occlusion". Oh, and there are plenty of bombs, too :)

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