Gaming Gibs for 8/28/2008
8/28/2008 7:44:00 AM
Here are a few things I missed while tracking down the parts for my own :
- Gamers are now doping for World Cyber's time to start testing for Red Bull and Cheetos
- Lowest rated player in Madden 09 to play this week, it's still pre-season though
- Video games cut into exercise time, once again people get paid for this kind of analysis
- MTV talks to people at Silicon Knights not named Denis Dyack
- Old people tend to believe the "video games made me do it" argument more than others, also like prune juice more
- Novint posts pictures of the "sweat shop" they are using to put together pistol grips
- Full Throttle remembered, loved
- Gearbox may do the next Halo game, try to care