Gaming Gibs for 8/27/2008
8/27/2008 4:14:00 AM
Here are a few things I missed while wondering if I was smart enough to read Stephen Hawkings
book for children:
- Sorry Halo 3 fans, Bungie says "NO BOTS FOR YOU". You'll still have to deal with the dregs of Xbox Live
- Concept art reveals really creepy "Corpse Droid" that was cut from Star Wars; The Force Unleashed
- Assistant producer quits game, game sites over react, Variety is there to call them out
- Get ready to see a lot of Activision/EA logo's this fall as the companies account for 75% of the titles being produced
- The Phantom Lapboard sucks, try not to be too surprised
- Nintendo Core fans should be happy to know that Nintendo is working on games for you, it's just going to be a while before they are done.
- NC Soft announces 13th edition for City of Heroes, now you get to create your own missions
- That's no moon, that's a Savage Moon. Sony reveals new PSN game
- Things are coming together on Duke Nukem Forvever...make your own joke here
- Ars looks at the technology behind the Wii Motion Plus
- Please stop asking Kojima about Xbox360 version of Metal Gear Solid 4,