Gaming Gibs for 8/14/2008
8/14/2008 4:15:00 AM
Here are a few things I missed while contemplating the
bad ass moments in the Star Wars movies:
- Criterion is using the PS3 as their reference Blu Ray Player...which is either a commentary on how good the PS3 is or the lack of competition
- NC RIF's 21 in Austin office
- I'm sorry but there's nothing, absolutely nothing that I want to do for 18 hours straight
- Deadspin breaks down Maddenpalooza, the good, the bad, and the Warren Sap stories
- Wii Remote + USB Missile launcher = good times
- Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty weighs in at 2.3 GB, probably an overnight download
- Commando class now unlocked in the Too Human demo
- Resistance 2 ARG explained, still trying to figure out what Starbuck is doing in the game