One hundred fifty-three years ago, due to rampant vigilantism and lawlessness in California, San Francisco City fractured off the core of its city from the rest of San Francisco County. In LucasArts'
Fracture, held 153 years in the future in a fictitious San Francisco, a greater fracture exists between the eastern and western 'hemispheres' of the United States. This developer diary video, narrated by Executive Producer Shara Miller and Producer Paul Armatta, takes a candid look at
Fracture's state of the union. I say "candid" because Miller doesn't even edit out a graphical hitch from the video, stating confidently that that'll be fixed before the game goes gold. This is yet one more title that is hoping its gimmick will carry it further than it actually can. [Cue: LucasArts' developing branch swan song.]