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Dokapon Kingdom on a mission to end friendships

by: Randy -
More On: Dokapon Kingdom
It's rather unclear why Dokapon Kingdom is being unashamedly marketed as the "Friendship-Destroying Game," unless some RPG-addictive qualities supposedly emerge, keeping you chained to your computer in a pixelated addiction, thereby severing any remaining ties you have with real-world friends.  In Dokapon Kingdom you will battle, steal from, and generally deface your enemies.  Coming to the Wii and PS2 on October 14, 2008.


Dokapon Kingdom



Dokapon Kingdom


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Dokapon Kingdom













Dear Atlus Faithful,


Friendships are like flowers: delicate, and in need of constant tending to.  Good thing a game is coming to completely obliterate those pesky ties that bind.


Dokapon Kingdom


Atlus is proud to announce Dokapon Kingdom for Wii™ and PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system, an innovative and addictive mix of RPG, party, and board gaming.


We're calling Dokapon Kingdom the "Friendship-Destroying game," and for good reason.  The path to victory involves battling, stealing from, and defacing your foes (i.e., playing dirty is the name of the game).  Over the coming weeks, we'll show you exactly how the game plays, and treat you to a sampling of the game's various modes and features.


Dokapon Kingdom Trailer


Check out the "Friendship-Destroying game" for yourself!


Unlike most multiplayer-centric games, Dokapon Kingdom is as fun to play alone as it is with a group, a testament to the surprisingly deep RPG elements, such as the ability to level and tweak your stats, acquire new weapons and equipment, and explore cavernous dungeons in search of treasure!


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You're gonna get devilish rivalies, Atlus Faithful, and you'll probably lose a friend or two.  But what's a couple of friendships next to triumphant victory?  Exactly.


By the way, pick a card, any card


Take care,




Atlus Aram