It's Grand Theft Auto 4 day
4/29/2008 8:00:00 AM
Today's the day you can finally pick up your copy of Grand Theft Auto 4. Some of you also probably picked it up at midnight last night but for those that don't have the ability to stay up that late, we'll be making a run out today sometime to pick up their copy. If you already have it what are your impressions of the game so far? As far as versions go, I guess I'm going for the 360 one as I have more friends on that system and if I do decide to play online I have a better chance of playing with one of them on the 360. I do like the caching option of the PS3 version. DLC isn't an issue for me as we don't even know what type of DLC is coming let alone how much it's going to cost. Let's hope the Live network survives the massive amount of people playing.