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Tom Clancy's EndWar in the house....sorta

by: Dan -
More On: Tom Clancy's EndWar
Was trolling around the books at Giant Eagle today and noticed that Tom Clancy's EndWar was out in paperback. Considering the success of the Splinter Cell books, and being a massive Clancy book fan anyways, I went ahead and purchased it. The book is around 400 pages long, and is written by the Splinter Cell author David Michaels. I plan to dive into this over the weekend while I am freezing my arse off in Chi-Town. I'm hoping the book will shed some light on the basics of the EndWar game. One humorous note (albeit a probable foreshadowing moment), on the back of the book it states "Based on Ubisoft's bestselling game, Tom Clancy's EndWar".  Check out the front and back cover images I took with my crappy phone camera after the jump: