Going live about half an hour ago after some maintenance downtime, Destiny 2's current episode and act are reaching the last bit of story content for this stage. Destiny moved to an episode model after the last major expansion, The Final Shape, that has overall largely fallen flat... but of the three episodes this current one, Heresy, has been the best by a wide margin. Each episode follows its own three-act arc and today introduced the last story points of this middle act with the finale closing in next Tuesday, April 1st. There's even a rather epic trailer released yesterday to boot, embedded below.
Where episodes 1 and 2 fell flat with repetitive game modes for rather mid-tier loot, Heresy has come on strong bringing back the Dreadnaught as more than just an activity space but with little secrets and easter eggs embedded throughout. Also the guns have been pretty darn good, PvP mode Trials of Osiris has been reworked to shower with loot and add a lot of forgiveness towards earning it, and we're dealing with characters who not only have a history rooted in our past gaming experiences and exploits but are way more interesting than the underwhelming baddies from the last two episodes. So things are looking up even if player numbers continue to struggle versus Destiny's high water marks in years past.
This game is still good, and I'm still jumping in weekly. Honestly what's hurting me the most to play is how I just don't have the vault space to collect new gear. If there is one wish I have for Frontiers and whatever comes next, it would be a generous overhaul of the vault. I'm playing as much inventory manager as crucible and strikes these days constantly trying to cobble space for a new gun here and there.