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Poker-combat roguelike RPG Hero's Hand announced for 2026

by: Jason -
More On: Hero's Hand

Developer Villain Games HQ has revealed Hero’s Hand, a genre-blending roguelike RPG with poker-based combat. That’s correct – poker combat. Hero’s Hand is coming to PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC in 2026, but you don’t have to wait any longer to get your first look at the game in action, thanks to today’s reveal trailer.

Hero’s Hand sees players adventuring across a procedurally generated game board, collecting cards along the way to create poker combinations that determine how successful you are in combat. The better your poker hand, the better you’ll do in combat, so for instance, a flush or straight will deal massive damage, while a pair will deal considerably less so. Along your journey through Death’s Tower, you will make friends, find new weapons and spells, and ultimately, confront the Dark Wizard occupying the land of Cardunia.

Check out the reveal trailer below: