Again, Digital Eclipse is on fire. They just announced an update for Tetris Forever, adding 2 more games to the list, and lots of updates for Tetris Time Warp.
Tetris Time Warp is now getting control mapping to meet competitive standards. The single player used to stop at level 15, but now it goes up to level 30. At level 16, you no longer get the golden Tetrimino, so you can't bail yourself out, when you inevitably need to. In addition, the shield tetrimino can prevent you from being sent to a time warp from the other player. Defense wins championships.
Tetris Time Warp also adds 1989 mode (the game boy version), and you can turn off modern gameplay, which removes the hold feature, and choose to start with 18 rows, instead of 20 for some reason. Nostalgia? Maybe. The 40 line clear mode is back, for both 1989 and modern mode. There are so many more options, pertaining to graphics modes, and hold and rotation toggles.
Last line, but not least, Super Tetris and Tetris (Academy Soft) have also been added. This title added a phantom mode to the squared (O) shaped tetriminos, making them invisible. Tetris, or stresstris. You be the judge, as this update is available right now.