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Happy Birthday! Hunt: Showdown 1896 turns seven

by: Rob -
More On: Hunt: Showdown Hunt: Showdown 1896

Hunt: Showdown 1896 celebrates seven years of players mucking through the swamps of the bayou and scrambling the slopes of the mountains of turn of the century Colorado and is bringing goodie bags. On now through March 3rd the in-game store is getting exclusive bundles, discounts, and daily deals. Each day will have a 50% discount on a featured item, a special 48 Blood Bond offer, and a rotating selection of other discounts on items ranging from 20% to 40%. There is also a new collection of songs from the game to get you in the mood for your next hunt even when you're not exactly in the game. Check it out on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/7lMPUiEMdCC8zBlLUBQ9Ev 

If you are curious as to what players been up to over these seven years, Crytek is happy to post the following data points on the journey so far: 

  • 1,010 Hunters have been delivered a mortal blow by a horse
  • 33,569 Hunters died due to a Dog Cage
  • 94,429,355 Targets have been hunted to their demise
  • 16,527,398,805 total monsters have been slain

So get back in the Hunt, I had a great time reviewing the reinvention into the 1896 version of the game all enjoy now. Just watch out for those horses I guess? (Dog cage I get it but I mean honestly, who dies to a horse?)