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Upcoming roguelike deckbuilder Inkborn has a new combat demo to check out on Steam

by: Russell -
More On: Inkborn

Acram Digital's upcoming roguelike deckbuilder game Inkborn over on Steam is currently geared for a Q2 2025 launch. In Inkborn you're "trapped in a twisted origami world full of mysterious creatures brought to life by an unknown force". Naturally to defeat these creatures you'll use the power of cardboard. Your arsenal is a deck of cards with various abilities that you can upgrade and improve over the course of the game. Inkborn isn't the first game to take the deckbuilder concept and turn it into a roguelike game but I'm typically down to check out these kinds of games despite my inability to properly strategize my deck as I go.

If you're curious about how something like that works, Acram Digital has created a Combat Demo for Inkborn over on Steam that allows you to check out several combats while learning the mechanics. I checked it out and it works pretty well, though don't be surprised if it takes you several tries to clear all seven battles the demo throws at you. You'll have to learn card combos, choose the right cards to add to your deck after each battle, and select the best upgrades you can to survive. If you need some help, the creators uploaded a gameplay video of the demo.