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Can You Solve the Mysteries Found In Your House?

by: kgray -
More On: Your House

Since the dawn of time, well, Kelly time, I've been drawn to puzzle games. I want to dig in, find clues, solve puzzles, survive the game. Like a moth to a flame, if I see a game that looks creepy, mildly twisted, and involves puzzle elements? I'm going to want to learn more.

And maybe you will, too!

From Patrones & Escondites, the makers of the award-winning game Unmemory comes the latest in storytelling puzzle gaming, Your House. A part of Steam's Next Fest, this immersive strategic puzzle game is bound to test it's players in an engaging story, filled with hidden rooms, trapped doors, secret passageways, basically everything that fills my weird little heart with joy.

Can you figure out the secrets that are held within Your House? The demo is now live, so feel free to poke around and see if this one is for you. But beware, some secrets are best kept hidden.