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All the creatures in the D&D 2024 Monster Manual that have the new Bloodied condition and what it does

by: Randy -
More On: Dungeons & Dragons

The "Bloodied" condition was introduced in Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition (4e). When a creature was reduced to half of its Hit Points (or fewer), it received this Bloodied condition. The creature would then have some life choices to make: keep fighting or start running? When Bloodied, some creatures would become more frenzied and desperate in their attacks. Others might gain a speed boost in order to beat a hasty retreat. 

When D&D 5e launched in 2014, the Bloodied condition was removed. In general it might still be a way for a Dungeon Master to describe a monster that had been reduced to at least half its Hit Points, but that was the extent of it. Creatures in 5e would no longer go hard or go home. It was merely a narrative device if DMs didn't like communicating things like, "The gnoll has 14 of 28 Hit Points remaining."

But Bloodied is back in the D&D 2024 Monster Manual, and it's not just to tell players that their enemy is half dead. Let's look at the Boar as an example, since it actually tipped us off in the D&D 2024 Player's Handbook that Bloodied was returning.

  • Boar. Traits: Bloodied Fury. While Bloodied, the boar has Advantage on attack rolls.

Awesome. Boars only have 13 (2d8+4) Hit Points. But when you get one down to about 6 HP, boy, watch out. Life gets inconvenient quickly for players when their enemies are suddenly rolling two 20-sided dice during their attacks.

There's a second type of Bloodied, however, that is less nasty for players. This second type of Bloodied applies to creatures that appear in swarms: Swarm of Bats, Swarm of Venomous Snakes, Swarm of Crawling Claws. There is an unnumbered amount of creatures that appear in a "swarm." So, when a swarm is reduced to half its Hit Points, it is considered Bloodied—which basically means the swarm has been reduced by half its numbers. Bloodied condition for a swarm of creatures now means it only does half damage. Let's look at the brand new and completely disgusting Swarm of Crawling Claws as an example:

  • Swarm of Crawling Claws. Actions. Swarm of Grasping Hands. Melee Attack Roll: +4, reach 5 ft. Hit: 20 (4d8+2) Necrotic damage, or 11 (2d8+2) Necrotic damage if the swarm is Bloodied...

There it is. You see how the swarm of creatures, once reduced to half its Hit Points, is now only dealing about half damage. Makes sense. But definitely not as fun—for Dungeon Masters.

Here are all 28 creatures that have the Bloodied condition either in their Traits (typically making the monster more aggressive) or in their Actions (typically reducing its damage):



Berserker, Berserker Commander Bloodied Frenzy (Trait) While Bloodied, the berserker has Advantage on attack rolls and saving throws.
Black Pudding, Ochre Jelly Split (Reaction) Trigger: While the [monster] is Large or Medium and has 10+ Hit Points, it becomes Bloodied. Response: The pudding splits into two new Black Puddings/Ochre Jellies.
Blood Hawk Beak (Action) Melee Attack Roll: +4, reach 5 ft. Hit: 4 (1d4+2) Piercing damage, or 6 (1d8+2) Piercing damage if the target is Bloodied.
Boar, Giant Boar, Quaggoth, Quaggoth Thonot Bloodied Fury (Trait) While Bloodied, the [monster] has Advantage on attack rolls.
Clay Golem, Flesh Golem Berserk (Trait) Whenever the golem starts its turn Bloodied, roll 1d6. On a 6, the golem goes berserk. On each of its turns while berserk, the golem attacks the nearest creature it can see. If no creature is near enough to move to and attack, the golem attacks an object. Once the golem goes berserk, it continues to be berserk until it is destroyed or it is no longer Bloodied.
Giant Hyena Rampage (Bonus Action) Immediately after dealing damage to a creature that was already Bloodied, the hyena can move up to half its Speed, and it makes on Bite attack
Gnoll Warrior, Gnoll Pack Lord, Gnoll Fang of Yeenoghu, Gnoll Demoniac Rampage (Bonus Action) Immediately after dealing damage to a creature that is already Bloodied, the [monster] moves up to half its Speed, and it makes one [melee/ranged] attack.
Troll Loathsome Limbs (Trait) If the troll ends any turn Bloodied and took 15+ Slashing damage during that turn, one fo the troll's limbs is severed, falls into the troll's space, and  become a Troll Limb . The limb acts immediately after the troll's turn. The troll has 1 Exhaustion level for each missing limb, and it grows replacement limbs the next time it regains Hit Points.
Swarm of: Bats, Crawling Claws, Dretches, Insects, Larvae, Lemures, Piranhas, Rats, Ravens, Stirges, Venomous Snakes Melee Attack Roll (Action) Basically, the swarm does reduced damage when Bloodied.

Have fun with this information, Dungeon Masters. Twenty-eight creatures is nowhere near the 500+ creatures in the entire Monster Manual, but this Bloodied pack seems like they could fit themselves into a lot of situations. It doesn't have to be rare. 

And as the designers at Wizards of the Coast would encourage you to do: add the Bloodied condition to any creature you want. These 28 or only a start. Where it ends is up to you.

The D&D 2024 Monster Manual officially launches for everybody on February 18.