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Atari switches sides with Breakout Beyond

by: Joseph -
More On: Breakout Beyond

Yes, that's a 9:16 view of Atari's classic Breakout, but this is beyond being recharged. Breakout Beyond, a title originally to be released for the ill fated (?) Amico Intellevision, is now coming to all consoles. This includes PS4/5, Xbox Series, and Nintendo Switch 1 and 2 later this year. It's also coming out for the Atari VCS, which is still sitting here in my view, unopened. 

The game promises 72 levels, and an unlockable endless mode for the crazy people. Similar to the Neo Breakout game released in the Atari 50 compilation, the music and the video effects change as you progress. Powerups will be aplenty like a shield or the always clamored for laser to smash through the levels. You can also play local two player co-op, but we're not really sure if online will be added later. We're not secretly pushing for that. Not this writer. No way. 

This isn't the first remix of Breakout since 1976. I'm sure it won't be the last. This game is also being developed by Choice Provisions, who handles the BIT.TRIP games, hence all the colors and craziness. Check it out for yourself below, and be sure to look for a release date soon for your next addiction.