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WWE 2K25 will be fully revealed later this month

by: Nathan -
More On: WWE 2K25

A new era for WWE kicked off tonight as Monday Night Raw made it's debut on Netflix. During the show Paul Heyman was speaking with Roman Reigns backstage and told Roman just to focus on a specific date. January 28th. Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman then entered a door and when the door was shut we saw it had the WWE 2K25 logo on it. I think that pretty much confirms that Roman Reigns will be on the cover of the game, which he absolutely deserves after the last cover he was on was 2K20 and the less said about that abomination of a game the better. 

Well shortly after that all of 2K's social media pages updated and confirms that we will get a reveal on the 28th of this month. No other details released at this time but my guess would be we get the first reveal trailer for the game with some gameplay that highlights the newest additions to the game this year. 

If I had to put together a short wishlist for the game, the one thing on the top of my list would be for WWE Universe mode to finally get the love and attention it deserves as the mode has been completely broken for years. Another thing that I hope for is more match types, more interactions with the environment and weapons and updates for create an arena as that mode has been neglected for a long time as well.