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Dicefolk has landed on the Switch

by: Rob -
More On: Dicefolk

Originally released for PC back in February, Dicefolk has made the jump over to Nintendo's console. The Steam reviews are Very Positive on this one as it combines a little bit of monster catching with turn based combat at the mercy of the roll of a dice. The twist is that as a Chimera Summoner, you get to choose not only which monsters to equip but also in which order the attacks for both sides happen and which dice you bring to each encounter. This presents you the opportunity to tilt luck of the dice in your favor and affects both your and your opponent's chances of success. There is a longer developer dive into the gameplay over on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwSrK_ct-Co  

Dicefolk is available now on Nintendo's Store and costs $15. There is also a free demo over on Steam for PC. There is over 100 monsters to collect, so between the positive reviews and free demo seems like this is one worth giving a look.