Blamcon light guns seems to be coming along well and there's a few nice features built into the system. Last night, a new update video came out showing a few of their guns along with the game they made, which you can grab from Steam right now.
From the video you can see how well the gun tracks and the various types of guns that will be available for you to buy or make. Along with that, it's shown how easy it is to update the firmware. Holding the B button down and pointing away from the screen for 10 seconds, the controller changes to mass storage mode and the app pulls up on the screen. All you have to do is choose the latest firmware and click update. Once down, the update program shuts down and the gun reconnects. It's that easy.
Calibration is also done pretty simply by putting the gun in calibration mode and clicking on the points designated on the screen. It looks like you can just do it in game so you don't have to get out of what you're playing to do this. If you're using, say a sight on your light gun and it's still a little off, you can go into offset mode and slightly adjust where the aim is to be more in line with your physical sight.
The various guns shown show a wide variety of styles that can be made using the system. As with other DIY arcade peripheral options, the limit is your imagination. If you want to make a cartoon prop a light gun. Go ahead. Perhaps you want a Keyblade as a light gun. You can do that as well. In the video, you can see more hefty style guns such as the two shotguns to simple designs such as the basic phazer that just needs a single USB cable connection since it doesn't contain any solenoids for kickback.
Chris says they are getting close to release soon so hopefully, it won't be long before I can purchase one to review. As a home arcade light gun solution, it looks like it's going to be a really solid addition to one's setup.