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Karateka getting a modern release in the form of an interactive documentary

by: Nathan -
More On: The Making of Karateka

Karateka is one of those games I had on the NES as a kid and I had absolutely no idea what to do. I would play it a ton but would rarely make it past the first enemy. One of the funniest things I remember about this game is how you can literally step backwards as soon as the game end and die falling off a cliff. That said I still absolutely adored this game and I am thrilled to see it's not only getting a re-release, it's in the same way that Atari released their 50th anniversary collection. 

The game is called "The Making of Karateka" and is an interactive documentary and is releasing later this year.

This is such an amazing and unique way to re-release and preserve classic videogames. I absolutely adored the Atari 50 The Anniversary Collection as it was basically a playable documentary. The Making of Karateka is looking to be the same way. There are various version of the game available to play including a brand new remaster of the game as long with interviews, concept art, and archival footage. There are so many classic games that should get the same kind of re-release and I hope this new genre of interactive documentaries takes off the coming years. 

The Making of Karateka is coming later this year.