Live Integration coming to XP?
7/10/2007 9:47:00 PM
I first noticed it when Cliffy B was finishing up his Gears of War demo for Games for Windows with Live integration. I asked Chuck "Did he just say XP?" And yes, Cliffy said that GoW would be out on PC for XP and Vista. Chuck checked with Microsoft PR and they said it was a "slip". Well, after the flood of PR showed up, the one for Games for Windows has no less than five references to XP with Live integration on Games for Windows.
1. "..."Viva Piñata®" to Microsoft® Windows XP and Windows Vista® gamers this year as Games for Windows-branded titles with LIVE support"
2. "...Eidos, SEGA and THQ announced their intention to join Microsoft Game Studios in supporting the Games for Windows - LIVE online service for Windows XP and Windows Vista."
3. "..."Gears of War" will emerge on Windows XP-based and Windows Vista-based PCs this holiday"
4. "Games for Windows - LIVE titles enable gamers to easily find and communicate with their friends online, earn Achievements and play with others on Windows XP, Windows Vista and Xbox 360."
5. "By the end of this year, gamers on Windows XP and Windows Vista will have at least a dozen Games for Windows - LIVE-enabled titles to chose from, with many more slated for 2008 and beyond"
We are seeking clarification from Microsoft on this.