News Roundup: Beautiful Eternal Sonata
6/20/2007 12:14:00 PM
Videos, Screenshots
- New Transformers: The Game video up. (Maaaaan, this one's got a good chance of disproving the games-made-from-movies-suck model).
- I don't even know what the acronym stands for in NCAA Football 08. Is that anything like the NAACP? (*runs, ducks*)
- They're still pushing Lost Planet: Extreme Condition. (Don't miss the sequel, now in production -- Lost Planet: Extra Super Uncomfortable Condition).
- Grabbeth thine biggest sword, mine squire! And prepareth to enter into the dragon's Lair.
- Screens: European Street Racing (PC), Fullmetal Alchemist: Dual Sympathy (DS), Warhammer 40,000: Squad Command (PSP), Space Station Tycoon (Wii), Beautiful Katamari (360), Naruto: Uzumaki Chronicles 2 (PSP), Namco Museum Remix (Wii), Eternal Sonata (360), Ace Combat: Fires of Liberation (PS3), Digimon World Data Squad (PS2), Digimon World Dark/Dusk (DS), .hack//G.U. Vol. 3: Redemption (PS2),
- Call of Juarez v1.1.1.0 US patch. (One week after release?! Man, testing to become Games for Windows should be a dang requirement.)
Thanks to
Killer Betties,
Atomic Gamer,
Legit Reviews,
3DXtreme News,
MPOGD, and for today's News Roundup.