Gears of War update and new achievements
6/13/2007 6:31:00 AM
Gears of War will receive a title update tomorrow (6/14) when you load the game from your Xbox 360. The update will introduce eight new achievements (adding 250 points) for the 'Annex' gameplay and Hidden Fronts Maps. Also included will be improved Roadie Run controls, eliminate some multiplayer exploits and basic housekeeping. The four multiplayer maps will be available for free after September 3rd, but currently cost 800 MS Points. See the release after the jump:
Gamers, Ready Your Weapons. Stop. New Gears of War Multiplayer Achievements Added. Stop.
End transmission.
Thursday, June 14, at 2 a.m. GMT, the stakes get even higher as Gears of War., rated M for Mature, releases eight new Achievements for the Annex gametype and the Hidden Fronts Multiplayer Map Pack on Xbox LIVE..
In addition to adding new Achievements, worth a total of 250 points, Gears of War developer Epic has improved the Roadie Run controls so players have greater control of their movement and can better annihilate their pestilent enemies. The title update will also help squash multiplayer exploits and provide general housekeeping.
For more details visit
For those who have yet to man up and join the battle, the 'Annex' gametype is now available for free and the Hidden Fronts Multiplayer Map Pack is available on Xbox LIVE. Marketplace for 800 Microsoft Points. All four multiplayer maps will be made available at no cost over Xbox LIVE. on Sept. 3, 2007.