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Alpha Betas' first Red Dead-inspired episode premieres today

by: Eric -
More On: Alpha Betas

Well, it looks like a lot of folks are going to be watching the premiere of Alpha Betas today at 2:00 PM Eastern. I'm writing this article at 12:47, and the chat over on the VanossGaming channel on YouTube is already going berserk. It is scrolling by so quickly that you can't read anything that anyone is typing, much like...well...every popular videogame stream. 

You can avoid all of that, of course, by simply watching the pilot episode of Alpha Betas right here at 2:00. Sure, you'll miss out on quality community comments like "...I gotz a Pizza?" and "Poop POOP poop", but without that constant flow of information, you'll be better able to focus on Alpha Betas' characters and jokes and stuff. 

We had early access to the Alpha Betas pilot, so I watched it last night. It is actually pretty funny, taking place in a western world clearly inspired by Red Dead. The four lead characters - portrayed by YouTube stars VanossGaming (Evan Fong), BasicallyIDoWrk (Marcel Cunningham), I AM WILDCAT (Tyler Wine) and Terroriser (Brian Hanby) - have a decent sense of comic timing, and the characters seem to be well defined already.

The jokes come fast and furious, and can be a little hit or miss, but overall the writing is pretty decent, with a few running jokes that carry through the episode. Yes, the story gets a little tacky and dumb, and the concept is beyond silly, but for a show that stars four YouTube streamers, things could be a lot worse here. This one will definitely be worth a second look.

The characters are supposed to be kinda dolt-ish, but for the most part, you can tell there is some cleverness behind the show, and everyone here acquits themselves pretty well. It usually takes new shows a few episodes to really get into their stride, but for an animated pilot, Alpha Betas comes out pretty strong.