Grinding is sometimes the name of the game. Sometimes that's the fun. But only if it's in service to an endgame. There's got to be a light at the end of the that tunnel or, well, you're just stuck in that tunnel forever, I guess. In Hardspace: Shipbreaker, where you're a blue collar scrap salvager in space saddled with an enormous debt to grind out from the very beginning, has an endgame.
As you work towards that endgame, the tools grow in complexity and capability, the ships get larger and potentially more dangerous to navigate, but the loot you're laser cutting out of those ships becomes more lucrative. You're upgrading your tools, your helmet, and your suit the whole time. One of those instruments is a sweet grapple tool.
It's great to see Blackbird Interactive finally putting that "Shipbreaker" name to good use. The game looks lonely, but in all the best ways. This one is slated for Steam Early Access on June 16.