Doom 1 and 2 gets a new patch with Sigil, Final Doom, 60 FPS and more
1/9/2020 6:35:00 PM
Doom and Doom 2 has gotten it's newest content update so far and it's a pretty massive one that brings downloadable maps and lot's of quality of life improvements.
Here is a rundown of some of the big updates
- Add-On Support- New maps will be available for free to download. TNT: Evilution, The Plutonia Experiment and Sigil are available to download for free with new WADs being available in the future.
- 60FPS - Doom and Doom 2 now run at native 60 FPS up from the original 35 FPS.
- Quick Saves - Simply press R/R1/RB to save your current game. Press L/L1/LB to quick load.
- QoL Adjustments - New Quality of Life features have been added including a quick weapon switch, improved level select functions, added aspect ration and brightness option and a new split-screen HUD.
The full list of patch notes can be found on Bethesda's official Doom website.