In a video posted earlier today on Nintendo's YouTube channel, Shinya Takahashi, who's responsible for development at Nintendo, announced that development for Metroid Prime 4 wasn't quite living up to the standards that he says fans would expect out of a Metroid Prime title. As such, he regrettably states that they have started over with development, only this time with Retro Studios, the studio behind the other Metroid Prime games. While this is basically the first update we've had since the announcement at E3 almost two years ago, and it is disappointing to hear that development is basically starting over, I'm personally okay with this decision. If the game isn't up to Nintendo's standards, it's probably best to restart it with a different studio, especially the one responsible for the other games in the series, if it means a better quality Metroid title. Regardless of how long it takes, I'm looking forward to Metroid Prime 4.