Let’s be honest, it was truly only a matter of time. Video game magazines died off years ago and now, finally, one of the biggest names in video game strategy guides is heading into the sunset as well. DK, the publisher’s parent company, has announced that they are shutting down Prima Games and getting out of the video game strategy guide business.
In the modern era of the internet, I am truly amazed that they were able to hang around this long. Strategy info and tutorials are readily available online for any and every game that you can imagine, so most people aren’t really willing to shell out $20 to $30 for a strategy guide. Granted, the company had transitioned in the past decade to offering digital guides as well, but gamers just weren’t buying.
It wasn’t always like this though; I can remember stocking up on these things when I could during my childhood. Most of the time, when you lent one of your friends a game, it came with a half destroyed and well used guide book to help them through the difficult parts. Still to this day, I usually browse through the various guides at stores when they are accessible (i.e. not wrapped in plastic) just to appreciate the art and aesthetics of my favorite games.
It is always sad to hear of people losing their jobs in our beloved industry, and this is no exception. Prima Games has three different offices in the United States and we wish the best of luck to those who will be affected by their closing.