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Sony joining the mini retro console game with PlayStation Classic

by: Dan -
More On: PlayStation Classic

Not to be outdone by the retro gaming craze that ahs seen just about every prior console get a "mini" version in the last coupe of years, Sony announced on Twitter and the PlayStation blog this morning that they are jumping into that world. 

The PlayStation Classic retro console, will be a min version of the original PlayStation and come with two controllers, 20 preloaded titles including Final Fantasy VII, Jumping Flash, Ridge Racer Type 4, Tekken 3, and Wild Arms and be approximately 45% smaller than the original.

The PlayStation Classic will be available for Preorder at $99.99 across select retailers, and will also come with an HDMI cable and a USB Cable, but beware the trap, it will NOT come with an AC Adapter, so dig out those old AC to USB power blocks to make this thing run.  The console will be available on 12/03/18.