Those hoping to play Bioware's latest Anthem this year will have to wait. Today, EA confirmed the Wall Street Journal report that the game is not going to be released this year, but will aim for 2019.
EA doesn't call it a delay, but it was suppose to come out this Fall. Now, there will be a new Battlefield game released later this year.
The move might be better for the game as there's been a lot of negative feelings towards any property associated with EA. There's been a report of development issues with the game, but EA is denying the report.
Anthem was revealed to mixed reactions at E3 last year and with the huge backlash with EA's loot system in Battlefront 2, the anger from players towards how Destiny 2 is being handled, and the lackluster Mass Effect Andromeda produced from the studio, I'm sure Bioware's facing plenty of pressure to make sure the game's a huge success for them and their publisher.