I hopped on the Pokémon Sun and Moon train a little late—just a few months ago, actually—with the full knowledge that I probably wouldn't be sinking money into the Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon games when they came out. They'd just be too similar, and besides I'd already caught my Necrozma in the base game. Totally not worth it, right?
Well, there's a new trailer, and this trailer has absolutely no business being this intense. It has absolutely no business tempting me to spend my money like this.
My initial impression was that there were going to be some minor tweaks at best before Game Freak re-released the games under a slightly different name (cough, Skyrim, cough). This trailer cradled my assumption in its firm hands, placed it gently upon the ground, and then proceeded to stomp it into dust. The script is longer. The light is gone. The legendary Pokémon are different. Familiar faces—god, I missed you, Lillie—are back to help you with this entirely new problem of, you know, a really scary Pokémon stealing the literal light away from Alola.
The new games come out on November 17, so I guess just watch the trailer yourself while I sulk in the corner about how much money I'm going to blow on this franchise in my lifetime.