Super Bomberman R is looking to bring back the old Konami mascot by upping the Konami mascot count. That means we have Castlevania’s Simon Belmont, Gradius’ Vic Viper, and Pyramid Head.
Ah, sorry. I’m going to just look at the information from Konami’s website one more time to make sure, because I must have read that wrong NOPE I sure didn’t it’s Pyramid Head.
Listen, the patch they rolled out today makes some slight adjustments to the game, particularly in making the online experience smoother. And that’s great! And I do care about that as a reporter. There’s simply no way any other news is going to take precedence over the guy who does things I'm being told by my editor that I cannot describe, being in a cutesy Bomberman game. There’s no patch update that could possibly be more important.
Anyway this free update will be rolling out soon, presumably followed by the heads of several colorful, cute characters. For a full list of the updates, head to Konami's website here.