A while back Shoryuken.com had a post that looked to have been reporting that Empoleon was coming to Pokken Tournament in arcades, including having an image of a silhouetted Empoleon, only for the reveal to have been for Croagunk of all things. Well fans can rest easy as it's been officially announced that Empoleon will indeed be joining the Pokken Tournament arcade roster on December 15th via a tweet through the @pokken_official Twitter page. While there's still no word on the new fighters coming to the States as of yet, the post over on Shoryuken does state that there is a chance we could see an updated version on the Switch while the Wii U gets the fighters as DLC. I'm not certain where I stand on the possibility of another version on the Switch, but I'd be surprised if we didn't get them as Wii U DLC at some point, but sooner rather than later would be nice.