Things just keep getting slower and slower as the year ends. Once again we do not have any major games hitting retail stores and only a few leaking out over digital. Trine 3 should draw some dedicated fans for the latest chapter in that franchise and the return of one of the PS2‘s launch titles, Fantavision, should be good for stirring up some classic memories for a few,.
This week’s menu:
- Aviary Attorney for PC
- Fantavision for PS4
- Haunsters for PC
- The Hurricane of the Varstray for PC
- Infinifactory for PS4
- The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel for PS3 and Vita
- Lightrise for PC
- The Madness of Little Emma for PC
- Moonshot for PC
- Never Alone for PS3
- Respawn Man for PC
- The Treasures of Montezuma 4 for PS3, PS4 and Vita
- Trine 3: Artifacts of Power for PS4
- Unsummoning: The Spectral Horde for PC
- Valzar for PC