Pics, Theme and a Video for Xbox 360
1/31/2007 7:08:00 AM
GRAW 2 was the big hitter today, but a few other things slipped onto Xbox Live Marketplace, inclduing two picture packs, one theme and a
GRAW 2 gameplay music video.
Here are the details:
- Monster Madness: Battle for Suburbia Picture Pack: Pics from the monster-mashing shooter. 150 MS Points and available everywhere.
- GRAW 2 Gameplay Music Video (720p): Franck Black from The Pixies covers Iggy Pop's Gimme Danger, while GRAW 2 does just that. Free, available everywhere, and comes in your choice of 480 or 720p.
- Nick Busby Globulars Picture Pack: Pics of monsters designed by a bloke who I can't find on Google. 120 MS Points and available everywhere.
- Nick Busby Ele'gals Theme: Another Theme from the mysterious Mr Busby. 150 MS Points and available everywhere.