Ok, the big news out of this posting, obviously, is the fact that Marvel Entertainment and Telltale Games have revealed that they are working together on an unnamed project for 2017. The announcement of the partnership was about as vague as any that I have ever heard. They’re working together, that is all that we know right now. We have a long road until 2017, which means that they have plenty of time to both craft a new engine for their episodic adventures to run on and time to iron out some incredible adventures with Marvel’s various characters.
That two year gap also gives fans of both companies, like myself, plenty of time to theorize and daydream about who we hope and pray they utilize for their project (or, crosses fingers, projects). Here are five of my picks for characters that I would love to see them utilize in this partnership:
1. Daredevil: Perhaps this selection stems from the fact that I am fresh off of watching the amazing Netflix series of the Man with No Fear, but Daredevil is my top choice at this point in time. There are so many avenues that they could explore with this character and the world around him. Instead of the obvious battle sequences, think of the opportunities for investigative gameplay while you control Matt, Foggy, or even Karen Page. It could end up being very L.A Noire-esque during the daytime segments but once the sun goes down, the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen will come out to play.
2. Deadpool: While I know that 9/10 lists on this exact topic will likely choose Deadpool, I can’t help but include him too. This selection would give Telltale a chance to both touch on their comedic side and approach some edgier content. There literally isn’t anything that you can’t do with this character as his adventures are always off the wall and crazy. There would be no limit to what they could do. And of course, if this does happen, Nolan North would have to voice the character; if it is anyone else we would have to boycott the game.
3. Moon Knight: If you want to make up a list of the most under-utilized Marvel characters, Moon Knight should definitely be near the top of the list. This avenger (not Avenger) is one of their most interesting tales and ripe for the mainstream audience’s consumption. Plus, he is the closest thing that Marvel has to Batman, and everybody loves Batman.
4. Howard the Duck: This is another character that would allow Telltale to flex their comedic muscles. Howard is an icon and his appearance at the end of the Guardians of the Galaxy film excited just as many fans as it left scratching their heads and asking “who is this guy?” Plus, his tale could feature a ton of cameos of their other characters, both famous and obscure.
5. Dr. Strange: This is the one that I think is the most likely candidate for the project. Marvel is putting some serious faith in this character for his upcoming film as they have cast on of the biggest actors in the film industry right now to play him (Benedict Cumberbatch). Considering that a large majority of the modern Marvel fans that came on board the bandwagon with the launch of the film franchises do not know anything about him, this would be the perfect opportunity to introduce him to the world and prepare everyone for the blockbuster movie.