The developer behind the Skullgirl series, Lab Zero Games, is doing something that I wish that the big gaming companies would've done it along time ago: bridging the gap between console generations with regards to accessories. They have announced that the PS4 release of Skullgirls Encore will be include a custom USB driver for the system that will allow PS3 arcade sticks to be used on the console. What is even better is the fact that they are willing to freely distribute this driver to other developers so that they can include it in their games as well.
Controllers alone are very expensive but arcade sticks can be insane, with higher quality ones costing up to $200 or more. I am very thankful to know that I'm going to be able to use some of the sticks I have already have in my collection with the new game. This is just good business at the end of the day and I personally thank the developer for taking this step.
I'm looking forward to Skullgirls Encore for the PS4 now more than ever!
Source: Polygon