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Dota 2 update 6.81b notes revealed

by: Sam -
More On: Dota 2

With The International 4 on the horizon every little change to Dota 2's mechanics has big consequences for the professional players preparing for the biggest gaming tournament of all time. Fresh on the heels of gameplay update 6.81 Valve has announced patch notes for an update 6.81b which is full of more minor tweaks following 6.81. Many people thought 6.81 would be the final update before TI4 so its no surprise they are calling this update "b" rather than 6.82. 

With pro teams entering bootcamp mode for the next few months hopefully this will be the last update before the big game. To me the two biggest changes are the Batrider Sticky Napalm nerf which makes jungling much harder, and the mana increase for Doom's Devour. What is the biggest change for you? Let us know in the comments below. 

Source: dota2.com