Resistance: Fall of Man impressions
12/9/2006 11:45:00 AM
I've had the PS3 for a little over two days now and while Sony sent me three games with the unit and the only game I've only really played Resistance: Fall of Man. Sure Gengii II and NBA 07 look good but Resistance: Fall of Man is the only one that's sucked me in. The game starts out slowly and the first three levels or so are not that strong but once you get past those the game is a blast to play. The art design is fantastic and the folks at Insomniac have done a good job of crafting an interesting story that keeps you interested in finding out what is next. The actual fire fights are fairly intense and cinematic and the weapons are a ton of fun, there's nothing like tossing a porcupine grenade into a crowded room and watching it impale everything in it's radius.
My biggest hurdle so far has been adapting to the PS3 controller. Not the weight but rather the button layout which is a bit of a change for me (I've never owned a Sony console...heresy I know). The few sequences in the game that require you to use the SIXAXIS motion control stuff feel a little tacked on but they don't detract much from the gameplay. I haven't tried the online gameplay yet as I want to finish the single player portion first (I hate when you play a map in mutliplayer before going through the single player side as it's kind of spoilerish) and I think I'm about 3/4 of the way through the game. It's a lot longer than I thought it was going to be but I'm not complaining. Expect a full review in a week or so.
Edit: Fixed a grammer mistake