From Friday November 22nd through Sunday November 24th, Rockstar will be hosting the first Social Club event for GTA Online. The Vespucci Beach Party will host a special Social Club even playlist featuring the jobs from the Beach Bums update.
Rockstar will be streaming the festivities live today from now until 4PM on their Twitch.TV and they may drop into your game and put you on their special event camera. Look for their gamertags on both Xbox Live and PSN as PlayRockstar, PlayRockstar1 and PlayRockstar2.
They will also be holding a sweepstakes this weekend where you can win some real loot. Ten Social Club members will win a GTA V Prize Pack with official GTA V tees, stickers and more. Five lucky Social Club members will win the grand prize of a rare GTA V logo beach towel and Los Santos Lifeguard Tee. To enter the contest, check out their official Rockstar Newswire post.
Finally, In Free Roam, special event Crate Drops will be happening frequently and will include double RP, high powered weapons, bonus cash and clothing. If you go into the pause menu from GTA Online you can find the special playlist which will include the following.
Special Event Playlist
- View of Vespucci (Parachute)
Show some Vespucci beach bums the true meaning of 'spaced out' with this steep parachute descent from 2980ft. See how many checkpoints you can hit before opening your 'chute.
- Up the Creek (Bike Race)
Dirt bike point to point going along Cassidy Creek and ending at the Alamo Sea. Shred from gravel and pavement to the beachfront and try to trump the rest for fame and fortune.
- Water Rings (Sea Race)
A challenging and scenic boat race weaving around the islands North of Paleto Bay. Tip: Look out for a ramp to help you get one over on your competitors.
- Vespucci Beachfront (Team Deathmatch)
Stop the gentrification of Vespucci Beach dead in its tracks with this Team Deathmatch around and on top of the businesses along the beachfront.
- Grass Route II (Race)
In this sequel to the original popular Grass Route Race, go off-road in an epic heat starting on the North bank of the Zancudo River through the treacherous wetlands with a triumphant finish on the beach in North Chumash.
- Sundae Driving (Bike Race)
Sure to be a new fan-favorite motorbike race, menace Vespucci Beach on your two-wheel rocket, taking breakneck corners as you try and best the competition.
- Procopio Beach (Team Deathmatch)
Home to an infamous truck stop, Procopio Beach has long been known as a place where people come to blow off steam, and this Team Deathmatch along the shoreline at the foot of Mt. Gordo is no exception.
- Gone Coastal (Sea Race)
Hug the coastline, pull off some breakneck turns and leap over treacherous rocks and islets in this rough race that starts in the LS River and takes you through the Palomino Highlands on the East Coast.
- Turn the Tide (Race)
In this off road Race along the coast, up to sixteen speed demons leg it out across Procopio Beach and the North coast down through Paleto State Beach to Paleto Cove.
- The Cove (Parachute)
Enjoy the stunning vistas as you rapidly descend towards Paleto Cove by Mount Chiliad... but not so much that you forget to open your chute. Prepare for a long free fall from 7500ft, weaving and diving between checkpoints and the drop zone.