News Roundup: RoboBlitz Battlefield
11/13/2006 5:48:00 PM
- Demo arrigato, Mr. Roboto. RoboBlitz puts out a sampler.
Re-, Pre-, and Interviews, Editorials
- Tony Hawk's Project 8 gets 8 out of 10 from Atomic Gamer. See if there's anything new to see here.
- Computer Games Online returns in a DeLorean from Battlefield 2142 and telecasts their war report.
- F.E.A.R. gets the Xbox 360 treatment, and Eragon, the would-be Harry Potter usurper, flaps in a review at Killer Betties.
- Player tested, Governor of California approved: It's the preview of Conan: Hyborian Adventures.
- GamersInfo held a Europa Universalis III extravaganza, to include a developer interview, a preview done in ... rhyme? ... followed up by one of their characteristic unscored reviews for the coup de grace.
- Steven-Elliot Altman, Lead Writer for 9Dragons, is interviewed for the Western adaptation of this martial arts MMO.
- Or listen in on an audio interview with RF Online's Kyle Rowly.
- Columnist Dan Fotier contemplates the advice "Don't Hate the Player..." in his MMOWTF editorial.
- How many more times can the Guild Wars name pull it off? Atomic Gamer is positive Nightfall continues the legacy.
Thanks to
Atomic Gamer,
Computer Games Online,
Killer Betties,
Gamers Info, and for today's News Roundup.