Russell's Tera Journal Day 7: Getting ahead (of myself) in life
6/7/2012 8:04:00 PM
Not too much to add today from my three hours of playing Tera. Yes I completed some quests, but nothing new really came from it...sort of. I learned something today about story quests: you can check your quest log not only to check which quests you have and which are done, but to see where in the story you actually are. What do I mean exactly?
I think I mentioned yesterday that I had two story quests: one north of Lumbertown and one south. I chose the south path. Today I chose the north path. Now, I can't recall exactly when I got that quest, but I began to complete teh story quests, which were mainly just find someone, find someone else, find someone else, and so on. The catch was that I was going through the exact same areas I had already done quests in. Basically, I'm doing the story quests that take me through these areas, after I already quested through these areas. In other words, I got ahead of myself somewhere and wound up having to backtrack to catch up on my story quests.
Beyond that, nothing new to really report. I am wondering though whatever happened to Ellion? You know, that guy that I was supposedly trying to find since the prologue ended? That guy that many people in the Island of Dawn were talking about while questing there? Yeah, him. Haven't heard anything about him since.