Combat details revealed for Wizardry: Labyrinth of Lost Souls
5/13/2011 2:27:00 PM
ACQUIRE's upcoming title in the Wizardry RPG series,
Wizardry: Labyrinth of Lost Souls, expands on the 30-year old franchise into new combat developments. Today, XSEED Games reveals what those new features entail for the spring release of the game.
Players will be embarking on journeys with six companions that will lead them toward confrontations with roughly 120 various enemies. Combat is characterized by a medieval theme, and will be portrayed in the first-person perspective. Before taking on the monsters, however, players will choose between five races, ten unique characters and eight classes. Combat will therefore be experienced differently depending on your selection. Whether you prefer brawl combat in the Fighter class, or are more a magically inclined fighter such as myself, there are an assortment of classes that will suit your taste. Read on to learn more about Fighters, Priests, Mages and Thieves - the four base classes.
This spring, XSEED Games will launch Wizardry: Labyrinth of Lost Souls, the latest iteration in the classic Wizardry RPG series, exclusively on the PlayStation® Network. Developed by ACQUIRE and slated for release in North America by XSEED Games, Wizardry: Labyrinth of Lost Souls comes from a well-established lineage, with the Wizardry series’ roots stretching back 30 years to 1981.
Wizardry: Labyrinth of Lost Souls is all about gritty, medieval combat. Players take a party of six adventurers deep into treacherous chambers, battling an assortment of 120 different monsters along the way. The adventure is presented from a first-person perspective, with elegant hand-drawn images from renowned commercial artist Yuki Hayabusa presented in gorgeous high-definition, resulting in a unique pairing of classic gameplay and modern aesthetics.
In addition to the five races and ten unique characters offered, Wizardry: Labyrinth of Lost Souls features eight distinctive classes, allowing players to tailor their characters to a preferred style of gameplay. While Fighters are specialists in hand-to-hand combat, they aren’t strictly straightforward brawlers – a special Trick Attack ability allows them focus for one turn, unleashing a devastating flurry of random hits the next. And though magic wielders such as the Priest and Mage tend to specialize in support and ranged mystic attacks, Priests also possess the unique ability to destroy undead foes instantaneously through exorcism, while Mages can focus for one turn in order to unleash more powerful magical attacks the next.
Fans of stealth and trickery, however, will likely gravitate toward the extremely versatile Thief class. Proficient in lock-picking, uncovering hidden doors and identifying and disarming traps, Thieves are an invaluable asset to any party slogging its way through Wizardry’s hazard-filled dungeons. In battle, Thieves can choose to hide away from harm in the shadows, then spring forth with the Back Stab ability, dealing damage and stealing gold in the process.
This is just a brief sampling of the abilities that await in Wizardry: Labyrinth of Lost Souls. As players level up, the four base classes are complemented by four additional advanced classes, each with new abilities and new proficiencies to offer.
Wizardry: Labyrinth of Lost Souls, developed by ACQUIRE and set to be published by XSEED Games, will be available for download via PlayStation® Network this spring, with additional downloadable content to be made available in the coming weeks. The game is rated “T” (for Teen) by the ESRB.
More information can be found by visiting the newly-launched website at