News Roundup - 3/29/11: Kinect with the Lair in the Arctic or Black Cove
3/30/2011 1:05:00 AM
Upon Arrival: Did BioWare blow its DLC load on Lair of the Shadow Broker?
GN EIC guests on Co-Opticast
Bethesda Softworks and Del Rey Books announce novel based on RAGE
First gameplay footage for Pirates of Black Cove released
Damn the torpedoes: Paradox Interactive & Turbo Tape games launch first dev diary for Naval War: Arctic Circle
Mad Catz and The Who join up to fight cancer
Microsoft publishes paper on improving accuracy and lag of Kinect
HD Resident Evil titles confirmed for US
Splinter Cell Trilogy hiding in the shadows until June
Antec and Paradox and Strategy First donating money to Japan Relief via online stores
WWE All Stars slams into stores, has a launch trailer
Saints Row: The Third screenshots at Game Informer
Red Faction:Armageddon Pre-Order bonuses revealed
Angry Bird:The Movie as made by Michael Bay