We might as well cut up the credit cards in our wallet now. Digital distribution sites are going absolutely nuts with video game sales this year. The latest site that should be put in a white padded cell is
GamersGate. What are they doing to get your business?
How about
putting new sales up on a wide variety of titles from indie to classic? That's pretty normal so far. Let's up the ante by adding new sales every day from 1C
and a whole new page of deals every Monday. Then, throw on top of all that discount goodness a "Buy 3, Get 1 Free" sale for the entire catalog. This includes new releases and the titles on sale.
Some of the titles currently discounted are:
Evil Genius ($3.98)
Aliens vs. Predator Classic 2000 ($2.49)
Legendary ($3.40) - probably still not worth it, right Cyril?
Oh good grief.
Click here to go to their main page.