Hot on the heals of Capcom’s
announcement of a release window for the Xbox 360 exclusive
Dead Rising 2: Case West comes a slew of details and media for the downloadable title.
Storyline wise, Case West sees Chuck Greene and Frank West teaming up to investigate the Phenotrans Facility outside of Fortune City. This facility is believed to be involved in the cause of the outbreak and players will be searching for evidence to prove their involvement. Capcom is bringing back the digital photography mechanic of the original Dead Rising game in this title as players will need to document evidence throughout the facility to support their cause. The game will focus heavily on cooperative play as you will always have both characters working together, either with a friend in cooperative multiplayer or using an AI controlled Frank West when going it alone. The development team is planning on including a ton of cameos and tie ins to link the first game to the new adventure, so you will have to keep your eyes peeled throughout the whole game.
Capcom is also adding a slew of new weapon combinations to the game that were not available in the retail version of Dead Rising 2. There is a new trailer for game and a whole bunch of new screenshots directly from Capcom, all of which you can find below.