What's new in November for LOTRO?
11/29/2010 4:02:00 PM
How about a lot more free content? Ok. Turbine gave us a complete listing of changes for the November content update for
The Lord of the Rings Online. Included on the list is the fact that those using the free-to-play model are now allowed to experience the game up to level 65. This means more epic quests and expanded options.
There are also improvements to the Rune-keeper and Lore-master classes. It involves new skills, traits and pet customizations. There are even improved Elf and Dwarf starting regions. This is only scratching the surface, though.
Click here for a full list of changes and be sure to take a look at the new screens.
Today, Turbine announced the release of the newest content update for The Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO). The November Update brings in the holidays with more free content and a wide range of additions and improvements, giving players access to more quests, content and adventure than ever before, including:
· More Free Content! Players can now play the epic story in Moria, Lothlórien and Mirkwood all the way to level 65
· Improved Skills & Traits for the Lore-master & Rune-keeper
· Updated Elf & Dwarf starter regions
· Updates to the Crafting System and Vault UI
· A completely new Yule Festival set in Winter-home that will go live in December