Getting ready for E3
5/7/2006 4:44:00 AM
We are once again on the cusp of another E3 which means three days of stimulation overload as the gaming industry shows off their latest wares. This is the first year I'll be going for the entire week and Sony will pop my press conference cherry on Monday afternoon, I just hope they are gentle and don't shove any more pre-rendered crap down my throat.
We have four people to the show this year as Sean, Ben, Matt, and I are making the jaunt to Los Angeles while John stays behind to man the fort, take care of his newborn son, and receive text messages from my while I'm playing Quake Wars and Battlefield 2142. This will be Sean's first show, Ben's second, and my sixth (fifth with GamingNexus), and I think Matt has been to almost all of them in one form or another.
We'll also be teaming up with fellow Columbus writer Shawn Sines. Shawn is one of the voices behind the weekly Game On podcasts as well as writing for Columbus Alive. The fun will be watching Shawn and Sean debating the various Nintendo announcements.
This year will also be one of the busiest show's we've ever had as we'll be meeting with around 40 companies this year. I'm personally down for 16 appointments, two press conferences, and several after show events so expect my writing to tail off around Thursday night (as opposed to the usual migration south on Friday). We'll be posting our usual 3-5 pages of coverage a day so check back daily for news on what we've seen at the show.