iBailout!! at the App Store and ready to get your evil side brewing
12/28/2009 1:43:00 PM
From the writers of the most
hilarious press release I’ve seen comes
iBailout!! now available at an App Store near you. The game is like Pac Man with greed, where you play as the Federal Reserve eating up everyone’s money, you bastard.
Taking this recession to some action-arcade gaming lightens the mood a bit around the sullen times, as you can surely tell from the video below.
Lost your job? The house? Still got your iPhone? Then iBailout!! is the solution! With revitalized, classic action arcade gameplay, you're The Fed, eating everything in sight, from stacks of cash, to sports cars and HDTVs, all the way up to and including angry mobs of citizens… at least, until the people turn into bloodthirsty Fed-hunting mobs and chase you down with torches, pitchforks, and baseball bats and you cowardly declare martial law.
iBailout!! is a new-school, action arcade bonanza (where players assume the role of the Federal Reserve--really, truly) with classic yet innovative gameplay that satisfies the hardest of core while still engaging even the most novice of players—oh, and it’s got a theme and satire that’s out for blood!
The goods:
Please, please, please people, with unhealthy amounts of sugar on top, get your copy of iBailout!! now, while the gettin's are good:
Please view the awesome iBailout!! Trailer of Great and Mysterious Power of Unknown Reckoning here:
Please nominate iBailout!! for Best Arcade Game in the 2009 Best App Ever Awards (no registration required and it takes just two very quick clicks, link included; no muss, no fuss):
Please also nominate iLikeCereal!! for Best Productivity Killer App here (same easy-peasy deal):